Business Taxation
Tax Services
We help businesses navigate tax complexities by empowering them to make informed business decisions and plan their tax strategy. Our tax & regulatory practice helps businesses and individuals to reduce their tax burden while meeting the highest standards of compliance.
Corporate Income tax
The current corporate income tax (“CIT”) rate is 25% for Myanmar companies, branches registered under the Myanmar Companies Law (“MCL”) 2017, and companies operating under permission from the Myanmar Investment Commission (“MIC”) (i.e. foreign-owned resident companies with an investment license from the MIC granted under the Foreign Investment Law and Myanmar Investment Law 2016). However, please note that CIT rate for companies listed on the Yangon Stock Exchange is 20% effective from 2017-2018 income year. Resident entities, which are defined as companies established under the MCL are obliged to declare and pay CIT on their worldwide income. Non-residents, including branches or overseas corporations registered under the MCL, are only obliged to pay CIT on their Myanmar-sourced income.

Commercial tax

- Commercial tax (“CT”) is levied on four types of activities:
- Local production and sale of goods
- Importation of goods
- Trading
- Provision of services
Special Goods Tax

- Myanmar introduced a Specific Goods Tax (“SGT”), effective from 1 April 2016. SGT is imposed on:
- The import of specific goods into Myanmar
- The local production of specific goods
- The export of specific goods overseas Therefore, importers, producers and exporters of specific goods are subject to paying SGT. There are 14 types of specific goods